Resiliency: Bouncing Back From a Setback

If you’re looking for a character trait to develop, it would be hard to argue against developing greater resiliency.
Few people are successful at anything on their first try. Resiliency increases the odds of trying again.
And again. And again, until the objective is met.
Any setback in life is more easily overcome if you are resilient.
1. M A N A G E Y O U R R E S P O N S E.
How do you respond to a setback? Do you become determined or disheartened?
Are you committed to succeeding or looking for an excuse to quit?
- Anger is better than despair. Peacefulness and curiosity are more useful than anger.
- Are you blaming others or taking responsibility for the setback?
- You know yourself. So, what is the most useful response for you to have?
2. E X A M I N E W H A T H A P P E N E D A N D B E B E T T E R F O R I T.
Learn what you can from this setback.
If you learn something and apply what you learned in the future, then this setback was useful.
- Did you rely on the wrong person?
- Did you have the wrong approach?
- Did you lack the necessary skill or knowledge?
- What happened and how can you be better next time?
3. T A K E A B R E A T H.
Take a break but avoid taking too long. Catch your breath and get moving again. Avoid feeling pressured or frantic. It’s better to take a moment, gather yourself, and then proceed. Any challenge you’re facing will still be there tomorrow. It will wait for you.
4. M A K E A N E W P L A N.
You tried, you temporarily failed, you learned from it, you gave yourself a couple of days to recover, and now it’s time to try again.
Repeating this process is as close to a guarantee of success as you can get.

- What is your new and improved plan? Why do you think this idea will work better than the last? Be clear on why it’s an improvement.
- What can you do today? Avoid making a plan that you can’t implement any part of for weeks into the future.
5. M A N A G E Y O U R M I N D S E T.
How are you doing mentally at this time? Are you desperate or determined? Are you confident or feeling hopeless?
A poor mindset suggests that you don’t trust your plan. Ensure that you have a plan that makes you feel confident.
6. R E A L I Z E H O W S T R O N G Y O U A R E.
You’re not just some random being. You have come from people that faced plagues, wars, wild animals, famines,
and every other hardship you can possibly imagine. What you’re facing now pales in comparison.
You come from hardy stock and you can overcome, too!
7. G O F O R I T.
Give yourself permission to be optimistic and successful.
Allow yourself to be a powerful person that perseveres and gains focus and determination from setbacks.
Put your plan into place and tell yourself you’re not going to give up until you have the life you desire.

8. A V O I D Q U I T T I N G.
Keep going. You can’t fail forever. Eventually, you’ll bounce back from any setback as long as you refuse to give up.
Some people are clearly more resilient than others. However, anyone can become a more resilient version of themselves
with effort and a little self-management.
You'll find that your success grows in proportion to your resilience. While there are many ways you can attempt to
enhance your personal growth, building your resilience is certainly one avenue worth considering.