Hi all,

It's already September and school has started here where I live (Tucson, AZ). Super hot summer and it isn't done yet. It's been a pretty dry monsoon season so far at our house. The plants are struggling, but there are some that continue to bloom and show us their beauty even on the hottest days!

I'm always grateful when I look outside and see the flowers.  It lets me know that we can get past hot times/struggles and flourish when we look for the beauty and resilience in nature.

And we got a little over an inch of rain at our house in August. The fruit trees we planted last fall have started to look much better. Even the smallest one that we thought wouldn't make it has new growth and looks so much better!

We're looking forward to fall and some cooler temperatures.


Check out this article and find out if you experienced any of the struggles.

Are You Failing in Retirement?

Retirement is often envisioned as a tranquil period in one's life, marked by relaxation, adventure, and self-reflection. While most planning revolves around finances, it's essential to recognize that there's more to a successful retirement than just money.

Delving deeper, we find several reasons why people might struggle during these supposedly golden years.

Click here to find out what the top five reasons someone fails in retirement that are not financial.


I recently finished a certification program in applied neuroscience. It is fascinating to learn about the brain and how it works and how we have the ability to improve our memory and even our health.

As I continue to find ways I can help others improve their life as they are embarking on their next age I want to share a book the talks about the brain's connection to the rest of the body. Dr. Marc Milstein offers science-driven strategies to:

  • Improve memory and productivity
  • Increase energy and boost your mood
  • Reduce the risk of anxiety and depression
  • Form healthy habits to supercharge your brain
  • Prevent non-genetic Alzheimer's and dementia

Here's a link to get your copy of The Age-Proof Brain: New Strategies to Improve Memory, Protect Immunity & Fight Off Dementia.

Try the strategies and let me know what you tried and any changes you saw in yourself.

Email me at or post your comment on Facebook




Sharon Dyer
Specialty Enterprises, LLC