Hi all,
Fall is here and the weather is getting cooler. The mornings have be in the low 50's, perfect for my morning walk in the park behind our house. Or sitting in the back yard and looking out over the park and watching as people ride bikes, walk their dogs, or go for a run.
We spent a week in Pinetop, Arizona. We picked the perfect time to capture the color changes. The aspen intermingled with the tall pines was stunning. Amazing scenery and beautiful fall weather was inspiring.

The holiday season is already starting. We're saw amazing Halloween decorations! They are way more elaborate than the carved Jack O'Lantern pumpkins we would put out.
As we get ready for the coming holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, I'm also thinking about what I want for 2023. This is a great time to getting a clear picture of what you will be in the future. The research lets us know that when you have a clear vision of YOU in the future, you are more likely to get what you want.
We have 9 weeks until the new year. If we leave out 3 weeks for enjoying the holidays, we can use those 6 weeks to paint your vision for 2023. Think about what you want to have after Valentine's Day? How is that different from your picture of YOU now? Is there any gap? You can begin now and find pictures that inspire you. Pictures that are like what you want for the future. Put these in a notebook and take it out everyday to remind you of what is ahead in 2023.
Getting Ready for 2023
Is there any reason to start thinking about 2023 now? There is still two months and the holidays in 2022! Looking forward to the next 60+ days might give you a sense of anxiety about it. Thoughts like “I need to get going”.
You can make you life more fun and productive by starting to think about 2023 now. The Thanksgiving weekend with lots of food and visiting with family and the year-end holidays of Christmas and New Years can unintentionally keep us from being ready to start 2023 with a bang.
One way to change our focus is to picture yourself doing something fun you did as summer ended. Maybe it was a get together over the Labor Day weekend with friends. Then when something you dread doing comes around and your self-talk starts to become negative, you can start to feel sorry for yourself. Revisiting the images of yourself doing fun activities can renew you and build new habits. You will build resilience.
So how can we get the ball rolling and start our 2023 plan? Read more...
Have you ever kept a journal? You can use this cool Season For Me Fall Journal to capture whatever comes to mind during your morning and evening routine.
Write your thoughts each day. You'll find a cute picture to color each week. I've found coloring is very fun and relaxing and it's not just for kids.
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