Hi all,

The holidays are past and the decorations are stored away until next year. We had a wonderful time with family and friends as we brought in the new year.

And now it's time to embrace the new year and the many new opportunities awaiting us.

This is a time when we think about what we want for this new year. Some may be getting closer to leaving their full time careers and beginning their next phase of life. Others have already transitioned from their full time career and are now enjoying their new life. And others may have found that they aren't sure of what to do next or are looking for something new.

I want to share a few tips I learned from my coach, Robert Laura. Robert is a leader and innovator in the realm of changing what retirement is in today's world.

Here are a couple of simple steps both smart and super smart people can do to design a better transition and a better next age.

Create a Knowledge Budget

Just as many of us have a travel budget or money set aside to spoil the grandkids, we also need a knowledge budget. Life-long learners are usually not surface learners. They are not satisfied just reading free articles or listening to a 15-minute podcast. They crave deep and relevant knowledge and like being around other smart, life-long learners.

So, instead of setting aside money for annual travel experiences, set aside some to spend on books, certifications, learning experiences and more.

You will have the opportunity to learn many new things and to engage with others who are just excited about learning as you are.

Workshop / Conference / Retreat Schedule

Your desire to share your knowledge and information is something to appreciate. There are a growing number of retirement-based conferences along with positive aging symposiums that can serve as a great place to meet people, stay on top of trends, and gather new resources.


3 Ways To Become a Lifelong Learner

A lifelong learner is someone who sets out to learn something new each and every day. Becoming a lifelong learner is good for your health and increases your chance of achieving success in retirement. However, becoming a lifelong learner isn't always easy. Below are some ways you, too, can become a lifelong learner.

Overall, if you apply the three methods to your life, you’ll find yourself becoming a lifelong learner in no time at all. Not to mention you will also find that you suddenly know a lot more things than you did before! Happy learning!



It's the middle of January, halfway through the first month of the new year. Did you make New Year's resolutions, goals for travel, projects, volunteering?Whether you're retired or still working, having a plan for your day keeps you connected and engaged.

To help keep you on track to achieve your dreams use this thought provoking weekly planner to inspire you.

The Dream Plan Achieve Goal Challenge Planner helps you create a wonderful habit that can transform your life. Each week you set the goals or actions you want to accomplish to reach your vision, and be successful.

Even if you are new to using a planner, this weekly planner will inspire you to think positively through writing down your top 3 goals or actions for the week and each day noting the top three tasks to achieve those goals and helping you to achieve the life you love.



Sharon Dyer
Specialty Enterprises, LLC