3 Things To Do Before You Pick Your Retirement Date

3 Things To Do Before You Pick Your Retirement Date

You’re looking forward to the day you retire. You’ve got your calendar out and thinking about when to give your notice. But there is a little voice asking “Am I ready for what comes next?” 

When you know the 3 important things to do before you pick your retirement date, you can:

  • Feel more confident in your decision
  • Know you have the support you need
  • Be better prepared for the day you give your notice, with a picture of what’s ahead

Retirement is a transition. It signifies an ending, and may involve feelings of loss and grief, a period of uncertainty, or feeling like you are in limbo. Remember, it is not a destination, but a journey of transition to a new era in your life.

This should be an exciting time!

It’s out with the old “D” mindset of focusing on:

  • decline
  • detachment
  • depression
  • or death

Now, we look at the new “R” mentality, that keys in on:

  • renewal
  • rewiring
  • reinventing
  • reinvigorating

Transitions don’t happen overnight. It requires time to adapt, and your reactions can change over time.

William Bridges, an expert in the field of personal and work transitions, conceives of transition as a journey that begins with an ending and requires that we let go of the past.

As you begin planning for your journey to your “next age” there are things you can do to enjoy a transition that arms you with the tools to meet whatever comes your way.

Here are 3 things to do before you pick your retirement date, that prepare you to step into your next best chapter.

  1. Look at this time from both sides of the coin. What are 5 -10 things you will lose when you retire and 5 -10 things you will gain?
  2. Determine your social and familial environment. Who will you surround yourself with?
  3. Dream again…without regret, but with hope. What did you not have time to pursue while working?

When you do these 3 important things in advance, it allows you to be honest with yourself, and see retirement from a different perspective. A successful transition occurs when you have a sense of purpose, a plan of what’s ahead, and a clear picture of your role in this new chapter.

Change and transition often leads to transformation and personal growth.

Even after doing the 3 important things, successful life in retirement isn’t one without problems, but one where you learn to overcome them. 


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3 Things To Do Before You Pick Your Retirement Date (details below)

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3 Things To Do Before You Pick Your Retirement Date

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