Summer is almost upon us. Here at home in Arizona, we already had 100-degree days!

When we were kids this was the time of year when we looked forward to summer vacation. As adults working and raising a family or getting established in our career, we looked to summer for vacations with the kids or time to refresh and get re-invigorated.

As we got older and considered life in retirement, we envisioned time-off to be anytime we wanted.

And now If you are newly retired with more time at home, you're likely faced with more blank hours than you could ever have prepared for...

And ironically, you may be feeling MORE run-down and restless than ever...EVEN if you once wished for much more free time!

I know I have struggled with staying motivated in these crazy times and the transition from a full-time career. That is why I am now starting to build new routines and habits that will help with being engaged and active during this time.

And as an added benefit I am learning new things and finding ways to share with others.

I am finding that this is a time to look at the glass as half full and be positive. To help you with that, I want to share tips and resources to help in finding new ways t use what we have learned over the years in new ways, make new connections, and stay active and engaged.

Come and visit me on Facebook at RetirementCoachSharon.


Has this ever happened to you? You stand up after sitting for a while and there's an ache in your back or your knees. Or you walk into a room and wonder to yourself “What did I come in here for?” As we get older, our minds and bodies will follow suit. Maybe your memory seems to be not as sharp when trying to remember information. reported that as of 2020, approximately 16.8 percent of the American population is over the age of 65 years old.

Predictions show that as of 2050, this number will increase to 22 percent. Though these numbers seem low when comparing them to other population counts that were conducted in 1950 where only 8 percent of Americans were over the age of 65 years old.

With this amount of senior population, it is certain that older generations are feeling more pressure to stay active and alert, not only personally but in their communities. The following tips will focus on keeping your mind and body feeling their best.

Click here to read an article with 6 Tips to Age Better.


Summer is almost here! Holidays are right around the corner, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. Take time for yourself to reflect on your vision of retirement, and be inspired to think positively.

Journaling is a great way to start your day on a positive note or end your day by writing down your thoughts before you go to sleep. 

Grab your copy of the 'Season For Me Journal Summer Edition'. You will be inspired by weekly prompts and questions and cute woodland creatures and fall scenes to color, relax, and destress bringing a smile to your face.

Click here to find out more!


Retirement Redefined - Boost Your Mind Challenge May 23rd - May 27th

 Join me for a fun FREE 5-Day Challenge to begin to feel better, think sharper, and have more energy.

Click here now to find out more and sign up.



Sharon Dyer
Specialty Enterprises, LLC